"Naturopathic medicine supports the
body's innate ability to heal itself"
A Guide to Candida -
***click the picture for an enlarged view of the infographic picture. Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer
Many people assume the best oil to be cooking with is olive oil. However, this is not the case! Olive oil, when heated, causes oxidation of the fat, which makes it a 'bad' fat. These fats are what we should always be avoiding in our diets as they have cancer causing compounds. Heating olive oil also destroys the healthy polyphenols. So if you're wanting to enjoy olive oil, use it in salad dressings, or add it to your food after cooking.
Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer First there was the Food Rainbow of healthy eating, then followed the Food Pyramid. Both are failures at helping you achieve a balanced weight and a healthy body. Grains should NOT comprise the bulk of our diets! Ask anyone what the healthiest food group is, and most will knowingly say fruits and vegetables, and they're right - mostly. Vegetables alone should contain the bulk of our diets! Whenever possible add vegetables to whatever you're eating. If you're having eggs & bacon on the weekend - add some salsa, or some yams with onions and garlic. For snacks, lean towards vegetables and have a small handful of almonds, or some hummus as an easy and nutritious option.
Making little changes over time goes a long way in achieving a healthy body. When you know better, you do better! Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer We are constantly being exposed to chemicals. Eating mostly organic (especially the dirty dozen) is a step in the right direction as we eat everyday. Another great step in reducing the chemical storm that is all around us, is avoiding chemicals in our skin care products! Some of these chemicals are known hormone disrupters, and in my practice, I see that this is a main problem in the majority of my clients.
There are so many things that we can not change, why not change the things we CAN? Read this short article below to learn the 4 Big Bad chemicals in skin care products that you want to avoid! Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer We are not just physical beings with emotional moments. Our emotions integrate with our body and mind. The stories we tell ourselves are often false. Call those stories out for the lies they are. Eliminating wheat will make you lose weight! Period! I see it time and time again in my practice in Vancouver. But what happens if letting of the weight stops, when there's clearly more to shed? Well, there can be other clinical conditions impeding your ultimate success.
Dr. William Davis - author of Wheat Belly - a National bestseller on the merits of eliminating wheat for shocking permanent health improvements - has an excellent blog that I recommend following. In his lastest post, he discusses the clinical conditions that can contribute to the lack of weight shedding, when removal of wheat is simply not enough. I lost the wheat, but didn’t lose weight written by Dr. Davis As well, here is a great short VIDEO interview Dr. Davis did on Global News while he was in Vancouver speaking at the British Columbia Naturopathic Association Convention. He states the brief reasons why wheat is bad for you, and addresses some FAQs regarding eliminating wheat. Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer What you put ON your body, you put IN your body!
We are exposed to numerous chemicals everyday - the air we breathe, to the water & food we consume. Why add toxic chemicals to your skin?! Read this short, informative article and learn the 'dirty dozen' of chemicals used in everyday common body care products. What You Put ON Your Body Is as Important as What You Put IN It By Dr. Amy Myers Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer Everyone wants to smell good! Most people have several bottles of perfume. One thing that you may not know is that most perfumes are laden with harsh chemicals. So you're paying a lot of money to smell good with poison. An alternative to that is to build your own perfume, naturally. You can use essential oils of your choice to mix and match and form your own unique fragrance. Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer I'm all about natural everything. From the food I eat, to the products I use in my home, and on my body. I have tried so many natural deodorants, it gets to be annoyingly costly. The sales person swears it works and that they use it themselves, and it works never does. Here is a great blog that I follow and a great article that I thought I would share on how to make your own deodorant. Even if you find it doesn't work, at least it barely cost you anything, and you can use all of the ingredients in your home! If you try it, and love it, let me know! Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer Chia Seeds have been around since 1500 B.C., and only recently, have they started to regain popularity. And rightly so. 'New' health foods seem to pop up every few months claiming all sort of health benefits. During these times where health is exploding exponentially from year to year, chia is one health food that is well deserving of the spot light. Read on to discover why chia seeds can be an easy addition to your diet. 5 Reasons why you want to eat Chia Seeds: 1. Omega 3's Chia seeds have an incredible amount of essential fatty acids, especially considering their size. With a 1 oz serving, you get an outstanding 5000mg of omega 3's! 2. Fiber Chia seeds also have a high fiber content of 11 grams per 1 oz serving. Great for feeling fuller longer and slowing the release of sugar into the blood stream, thus keeping your energy levels stable. 3. Protein Chia seeds provide 5 grams of protein per 2 tbsp. A simple way to add protein to your morning oatmeal or shake. 4. Antioxidants Chia seeds also provide a bounty of vitamins and minerals, and as such, provides the body with a solid dose of antioxidants to help combat the high oxidative stress your body is constantly battling. 5. Weight Loss Among the many benefits are weight loss. One reason is the low glycemic load of chia - meaning that it does not spike blood glucose and thus no insulin spike occurs, which would otherwise drive glucose into your cells at a faster rate, resulting in an increased conversion to triglycerides - which is then stored in adipocytes (fat cells). Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer |
Dr. Moyer Naturopath Vancouver
April 2024