Naturopathic medicine is a form of primary health care that uses natural effective therapies to treat, cure, and prevent disease, as well as augment your current health. Many of these therapies have been used for thousands of years, with research proving their efficacy in the treatment and prevention of disease.
Naturopathic medicine stimulates the body’s innate ability to heal itself. By removing obstacles to cure, and augmenting the body’s innate detoxifying abilities, disease can be cured, and health can be restored. By addressing your specific symptoms, a comprehensive custom treatment plan is implemented to ensure results. With the long term guidance of a Naturopathic doctor, a healthy, balanced quality of life is attainable.
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
1. First do no harm 2. The healing power of nature 3. Identify and treat the cause 4. Treat the whole person 5. The physician as teacher 6. Prevention is the best cure
Educational Requirements to Become a Naturopathic Doctor in British Columbia
British Columbia has the highest scope of practice in Canada. As such, in British Columbia NDs undergo an extensive training over a period of eight years. An undergraduate degree, with all of the premedical sciences, are prerequisites to attend the four intensive years at an accredited Naturopathic Medical School. Two of which include a clinical internship both on and off campus. At the end of the program, each student must undergo five days of North American board regulated written and oral examinations. After which, each doctor is licensed and regulated by the College of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia.