"Naturopathic medicine supports the
body's innate ability to heal itself"
The flu shot is a controversy that seems to be repeated annually...."Why not? I don't want to get the flu! My doctor recommended I get one. They're safe!" Then on the completely opposite side of the spectrum..."They're not safe. It doesn't protect you against the current year's flu strains. You can still get the flu even with the vaccine, If you get the flu, it will be worse. What's the point? It's just the flu!"
Here is an excellent informative article talking about both sides of the debate. Make yourself informed, so you make the right decision for you! Click here to read the article! Vancouver Naturopath: Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer
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Patients that come to see Naturopathic doctors have a variety of symptoms, ranging from physical aches and pains, to digestive issues, to anxiety and depression. With all of my patients I have noticed a trend with food sensitivities. There are the top 6 allergenic foods that people may have reactions to, but within that same list, people commonly have a 'sensitivity' to one or more of the those foods. The symptoms can greatly vary...arthritis, insomnia, eczema, chronic UTIs, rash, heartburn, constipation, bloating, fatigue, and the list goes on...
Dr. William Davis, cardiologist, has written a book about one sensitivity in particular, which he believes with his own personal practice and research, is the culprit to most of today's health problems. Read the review in The Vancouver Sun to learn more about his new book. Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight - book review in The Vancouver Sun - 2011 Vancouver Naturopath: Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer The current school cafeterias out there are filled with essentially, junk food! So many parents opt to pack their child's lunch & snacks for the day. Unfortunately, due to a strong media source, parents are often lead to believe that the choices of snacks that they pack for their children are not healthy at all, being loaded with sugar! The #1 thing you should always aim to avoid! Here is an excellent article depicting some unhealthy snacks to avoid feeding to your child and to yourself. Vancouver Naturopath: Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer Quinoa is an amazing food! I once thought it was a grain, but have found out more recently that it is actually a seed. It is more nutritious than a lot of foods out there - especially amongst it's sisterly grains. It is simple and quick to cook.
One fact that many people do not know about quinoa is that it is actually a complete protein. Great for vegetarians, or anyone choosing to eat less animal products. Only 1 cup of quinoa has 9 grams of protein - slightly more than 1 medium sized egg. Try adding quinoa to your diet - it's great in salads, soups, as a side dish, or even as the main dish mixed with veggies and spices. Here is an article explaining some of the known benefits of Quinoa. Vancouver Naturopath: Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer "If you don't take care of your health today, you will be forced to take care of your illness tomorrow!" - Deepak Chopra
Vancouver Naturopath: Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer |
Dr. Moyer Naturopath Vancouver
April 2024