"Naturopathic medicine supports the
body's innate ability to heal itself"
What are Xenoestrogens?
Xeno means foreign. So xenoestrogens are foreign estrogens. We are exposed to them in our environment - via the WATER we drink, the FOOD we eat, the AIR we breath, & what we put on our SKIN. Why should we care about Xenoestrogens? They have the ability to bind & cause estrogen activity in the body. Estrogen dominance is a common occurrence in women. Symptoms of estrogen dominance include;
What can we do? There are many ways to avoid exposure of xenoestrogens. Look to the infographic below for helpful options. If you are concerned about your current exposure, love your liver. Your liver is your main filter in your body. What you breath, eat, inhale, or apply to your skin all gets filtered through your liver. Bitter foods will be helpful to your liver/gallbladder filter. FLAX seeds contain lignans, which are specific for binding excess estrogens. 2 TBSP/d is generally a good dose for most people. Make sure you're drinking an appropriate amount of water. Final thoughts... The hormonal cascade is a delicate & very intricate system in women. This hormonal cascade can be addressed beautifully via naturopathic medicine. Know you have so many options available to you to detoxify from excess xenoestrogens. In health, Dr. Krista Moyer ❤️
We are constantly being exposed to chemicals. Eating mostly organic (especially the dirty dozen) is a step in the right direction as we eat everyday. Another great step in reducing the chemical storm that is all around us, is avoiding chemicals in our skin care products! Some of these chemicals are known hormone disrupters, and in my practice, I see that this is a main problem in the majority of my clients.
There are so many things that we can not change, why not change the things we CAN? Read this short article below to learn the 4 Big Bad chemicals in skin care products that you want to avoid! Vancouver Naturopathic Doctor Krista Moyer People often assume that the more calcium you get in your diet, the less likely you are of developing osteoporosis. However, it is quite the opposite - too much calcium increases your chances of developing osteoporosis. Calcium is just one player in the grande scheme of building bones. That's like saying Vitamin C is the only contributor of boosting the immune system.
There are many components to building bones, including boron, strontium, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium. Our bodies are constantly trying to obtain balance, and when one nutrient floods the system, balance is offset, and problems ensue. Here is an excellent article depicting the many benefits of Magnesium, including bone health, anxiety, depression, PMS, migraines, and more. Magnesium plays an impressive role in the human body and a deficiency (even if just from a comparatively over consumption of Calcium) will have many negative consequences in the body. |
Dr. Moyer Naturopath Vancouver
April 2024